Reasons for Interested in Working Abroad: Experience of Indonesian Nurses in Saudia Arabia
Life experience, Indonesian Nurse, Foreign Care Workers, Saudi ArabiaAbstract
The G to G agreement provides enormous opportunities for nurses from Indonesia to work abroad. One of the nations that quickly opens the faucet is Saudi Arabia for foreign nurses, there is a demand for 20,000 Indonesian nurses in May 2022. The phenomenon of their experience needs to explore so they can evaluate the nurses' working conditions there. This study has purposed to collect and describe the experiences of working-class people of Indonesian nurses in various nursing services in Saudi Arabia. Semi-structured interviews with 9 Indonesian nurses online participants provided the source of the data through the podcast program. All interviews were transcribed and analyzed with Colaizzi. There were four key themes that emerged: motivations for working overseas, unpredictability of work environments, rivalry with nurses from other nations, and feeling supported. These subjects are based on the observations of nurses from Indonesia who work in Saudi Arabia's long-term care facilities. The reasons of Indonesian nurses work in Saudi Arabia is they have background in getting a better life and spiritual goals in the Muslim center country in the world. However, This study discovered that when confronted with unmet employment expectations and an unclear career path, nurses felt anxious, challenged, and disappointed. Additionally, communicating in a foreign language is a major hurdle to meeting confidence in providing services. Policies related to this must be implemented properly to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation for both countries.
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