Literature Review: Happy Breastfeeding With Hypno Breastfeeding
Hypno Breastfeeding, Happy BreastfeedingAbstract
Breastfeeding is a very precious time for a mother who has just given birth to her baby. Where at this time, the mother gives breast milk which is called a golden liquid to the baby. Breast milk is the optimal nutrition for babies at the beginning of their life. However, in the process of breastfeeding, mothers often feel anxious and not confident that they can breastfeed their babies well and can provide enough breast milk for their babies' nourishment and growth. Peace of mind and feelings can affect the process of milk production. Hypnobreastfeeding is one of the techniques to help mothers to feel calm, comfortable, relaxed, and happy while breastfeeding. Giving positive affirmative sentences about Hypnobreastfeeding can help reduce anxiety and increasing the mother's sense of self-worth will help the nursing process go more easily. This study aims to explain how hypnobreastfeeding is used in nursing mothers. The method used is a literature review by utilizing Google Scholar and PubMed data. The results of a literature search found that Hypnobreastfeeding is beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. Hypnobreastffeding can overcome anxiety, increase motivation and confidence in mothers, and can increase breast milk production.
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